
After a draining emotional week I decided it was time to start making some deposits; to give something back to myself, to put some good stuff in. After school Jake and I went for a walk, I had tea with a friend, and this evening I watched a show about gratitude.

The show is an Oprah Lifeclass, featuring some well known motivational/spiritual teachers. At the beginning I thought I would just watch it for a “feel good” experience, but as the show went on, it really resonated with me. I have a lot to be grateful for.

This isn’t the first time I’ve heard the call to appreciate, but maybe the first time I have answered. In approximately 80 minutes, as I listened to the teachers and others share their stories, I felt totally grateful for so many things. My state changed from feeling fatigued and depleted to content and appreciative.

Therefore, I am going to keep a gratitude journal for 30 days and see what effect it has on me. Oprah suggested writing down five things every day that you are grateful for. I’m starting today. In this moment, this is what I am most grateful for:


The support of my parents (all three of them)

My new brain

My job

An education

If you want to watch the same show, here is the link: I recommend doing the “Emotional Flood” exercise with Tony Robbins. It took me by surprise 🙂

What are you grateful for? Will you join me in this 30 day challenge?

2 thoughts on “Gratitude

  1. Well said…I have a friend who did the same thing for 30 days except for the fact that she wrote 3 things everyday and never could she write the same thing more than once. Ok, I’ll accept your challenge and see if I can write 5 things I am thankful for everyday for 30 days. Starting out I’ll say…I’m thankful for my health, my family, jim & melissa, my trailer at the lake, a safe drive home and my doggie, Star.

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